Treatment: Fascia Release

Fascia release, or myofascial release, is a manual therapy that relieves pain by eliminating tension and restrictions in the fascia. Fascia is the connective tissue that surrounds muscles and other structures in the body. The therapy method helps to restore mobility, reduce pain and improve connective tissue function.
How does a fascia release treatment work?
With fascia release the goal is to find areas of the connective tissue that are stiff or fixed. The therapist then apply pressure with their hands, to the fascia in the affected areas, to loosen and lengthen the fascia.
A look at the treatment process for a fascia release.
For your most effective treatment, we look at your prior medical history.
Specific movements are then performed to recreate pain in order to help identify areas of stiff fascia.
Specific points on a few body segments are palpated in order to find densified and painful fascia.
Once these points are identified, there may be more than one, they are treated with manual therapy.
Movements performed at the beginning of treatment will be performed again to reassess changes made to the fascial system.
What a fascia release session looks like varies depending on the individual's needs and goals. The therapist uses different techniques and pressure levels to address specific areas of stiffness or pain. The session may include gentle stretches and pressure to promote relaxation and relief of tension.
What conditions can be treated fascia release?
Fascia release is used to treat a variety of conditions, including:
Chronic pain
Back pain
Sports-related injuries
The important thing to remember about fascia release is that it can provide relief and prevent future problems. However, fascia release is not used to fix something that is already broken in the body.
Benefits of Myofascial Release
Reduction of muscular pain and stiffness
Improved blood and lymph circulation
Increasing mobility and flexibility
Reducing stress and promoting relaxation
What is fascia?
Fascia is like an invisible network of connective tissue that works like a support material of a building. It exists under the skin and around all your muscles, tendons, organs and bones.
The fascia helps with several important things:
Keeps muscles in the right place so they can move smoothly.
Protects the internal organs, such as the heart and lungs.
Helps the blood to circulate properly.
Different types of fascia:
Superficial fascia: It sits just under the skin as a thin, elastic layer.
Deep fascia: It is thicker and is found around muscles and bones. It provides extra support and stability.
Organ fascia: It surrounds the organs like a protective layer.
A healthy fascia is relaxed and flexible. With its elastic properties, it stretches when you move and is not noticeable at all.
However, if you have a diseased fascia, it contracts around your other tissues. You will notice this as pain, limited mobility and impaired microcirculation.
Conditions from a dysfunctional fascia include:
Plantar fasciitis
Myofascial pain syndrome
Frozen shoulder
Dupuytren's contracture
Plantar fasciitis is perhaps the most well-known condition from poor fascia. When you are affected, you have pain in the plantar fascia, a tendon that extends from the front of the heel into the arch of the foot.
Are you unsure or want to know more about the treatment method?
With a free consultation, we go through the entire treatment process and you can tell us about symptoms, muscle problems and other details that will help us guide you to the right treatment. You go to a booking page to book a time by the click of the button below.